
Conference 목록

Conference 목록
No. Institution name Title Speaker
305 WMIC(World Molecular Imaging Congress) Comparison of post-reconstruction Gaussian filtering methods and myocardial blood flow measurement using N-13 ammonia PET images Hyeon-Sik Kim, Sang-Geon Cho, Seong Young Kwon, Byeong-il Lee, Jung-Joon Min, Hee-Seung Bom
304 WMIC(World Molecular Imaging Congress) Effect of misregistration in hybrid SPECT/CT and PET/CT Jahae Kim, Sang-Geon Cho, Ki Seong Park, Geum-Cheol Jeong, Hee Jeong Park, Sae-Ryung Kang, Seong Young Kwon, Jung-Joon Min, Ho-Chun Song, Hee-Seung Bom
303 WMIC(World Molecular Imaging Congress) Programming of bacteria for reporter imaging and theranostics Jung-Joon Min
302 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Cell & Gene Therapy Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy Bacteria-mediated expression of cargo drugs and reporter gene for cancer-specific theranostics Jung-Joon Min
301 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Evaluation of First-Pass Extraction Fraction of Myocardial Imaging Agents in Isolated Rat Hearts: [18F]Labeled Fluoroalkylphosphonium Salts vs. [13N]NH3 Dong Yeon Kim, Hyeon Sik Kim, Sybille Reder, Michael Herz, Takahiro Higuchi, AYoung Pyo, Hee-Seong Bom, Markus Schwaiger, Jung-Joon Min
300 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Engineering of Salmonella typhimurium in order ro enhance L-arabinose accumulation for driving PBAD-promoted cancer toxins and imaging agents Hyun Hong, Dae Jin Lim, Misun Yun, Dong-Yeon Kim, Seung-Hwan Park, Geun-Joong Kim, Hyon E. Choy, Jung-Joon Min
299 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Identification of the Role of Autophagy in Salmonellae-mediated Cancer Imaging Therapy Mai T. Duong, Vu H. Nguyen, Thuy X. Phan, Eun-Kyeong Jo, Jung-Joon Min
298 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Comparison of post-reconstruction Gaussian filtering methods and myicardial blood flow measurement using N-13 ammonia PET images Hyeon Sik Kim, Sang-Geon Cho, Seong Young Kwon, Byeong Il Lee, Jung-Joon Min, Hee Seong Bom
297 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Evaluation of 18F-Labeled Zwitterionic Near-Infrared Fluorophore as a Dual-model Imaging Probe Dong Yeon Kim, AYoung Pyo, Hyeon Sik Kim, Hee Seong Bom, Hoon Hyun
296 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Optimized Synthesis and Evaluation of [11C]Acetate Using a Self-Developed Automatic Module in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patient Hwa Youn Jang, Seong Young Kwon, Ayoung Pyo, Min Goo Hur, Sang Wook Kim, Jeong-Hoon Park, Hee-Jung Kim, Seung Dae Yang, Dong-Yeon Kim, Jung-Joon Min
295 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging The role of inflammasome in attenuated Salmonella-mediated cancer theranostics Thuy X. Phan, Vu H. Nguyen, Mai T. Duong, Jung-Joon Min
294 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Changes in tumor microenvironment after colonization of tumor targeting salmonella typhimurium Vu H. Nguyen, Thuy X. Phan, Mai T. Duong, Jinhai Zheng, Jung-Joon Min
293 Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Molecular Imaging Enhanced targeting and therapeutic efficacy of surface engineered Salmonella typhimurium expressing RGD peptide in outer membrane protein A Seung-Hwan Park, Jinhai Zheng, Yeongjin Hong, Jung-Joon Min
292 Spring KASLC Conference The Progress of Molecular Imaging for Lung Cancer Theranostics Jung-Joon Min
291 2014 제 22회 기초의학 학술대회 Isolationand Molecular Imaging of EphA20Specific Fibronectin Domain III Monobody SkhoPark, Seung-Hwan Park, Yeongjin Hong, Jung-Joon Min, Richard H. Kimura, and Sanjiv S. Gambhir
290 제66차 대한약리학회 추계학술대회 Cancer Theranostics with Bioactive Molecules: from microbes to artificial proteins Jung-Joon Min
289 53th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine Thyroglossal duct remnant is related to elevation of serum thyroglobulin after I-131 ablation therapy 정금철,박기성,박희정,조상건,강세령,김자혜,권성영,민정준,송호천,범희승
288 53th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine Risk factor for hyponatremai during radioactive iodine therapy in patients in parients with thyrid cancer 김자혜, 박기성, 정금철, 박희정, 조상건, 강세령, 권성영, 민정준, 송호천, 범희승
287 53th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine Thyroid hormone whth drawal-induced hypothyroidism decreased glicose metabolism in right inferior parietal lobule Ki Seong Park, Ho-Chun Song, Sae-Ryung Kang, Jahae Kim, Sang-Geon Cho, Geum-Cheol Jeong, HeeJeong Park, Seong Young Kwon, Jung-Joon Min, Hee-Seung Bom
286 53th Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Nuclear Medicine Serum thyroglobulin level should be measured at 24hours after 2nd recombinant human thyrotropin injection in differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients Hee Jeong Park, Sang-Geon Cho, Sae-Ryung Kang, Ki Seong Park, Geum-Cheol Jeong, Jahae Kim, Seong Young Kwon, Jung-Joon Min, Ho-Chun Song, Hee-Seung Bom
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